2004 Charity Sponsors
Searcy & Co.
Dan Walter Cases

The GMC has something for everyone. From a rare Daisy double-barrel BB gun . . .

. . . to ground shaking vintage 8-bore elephant rifles.

The judging corps is composed of distinguished experts from a variety of firearms specialties.
Roger Lake, a fine-gun specialist at Bonhams & Butterfields, auctioneers, has led the effort.
Below, judges Roger Lake, Ray Poudrier (founder of The Vintagers) and English gunmaker Richard Gallyon make their selections at GMC III.

The GMC V jury making the difficult decisions about which entries to honor with Gold, Silver or Bronze awards.

At GMC IV Roger Lake and John Ormiston, of Holland & Holland, examine the “Out of Africa” rifle, Chas. Lancaster No. 13315, a .450-31/4 made for Denys Finch-Hatton in 1904.

Associations, including the German Gun Collectors, the Parker Collectors and the Lefever Arms Collectors,
gather at the Gold Medal Concours to sponsor special awards.

Whether on the West Coast or the East, the GMC always includes some of the finest guns extant.

In California the GMC includes commercial booths, where attendees may find the vintage gun of their dreams, accessories or a fabulous stock blank.

The GMC is also the place to visit with the experts. Here, at GMC V, members of the American Custom Gunmakers Guild are engaged in a passionate discussion on barrel-making techniques.

In California, the GMC includes the Western Double Gun & Rifle Championships.
For the shotgunner there are events for side-by-sides, over/unders, Drillings and cape guns.

Some are pleased with their shooting . . .

. . . and some not so pleased but still in good spirits.

Anthony Fleming at GMC V, shooting an Alex Henry .500-3″ BPE hammer rifle made in 1886.
At this station the object is to put two (timed) rounds into the steel plate without hitting either of the water-filled pop bottles that partially obscure it.
See video clip here (1.70 MB) – All videos are in Apple Quick Time
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This year the happiest shooter was rifle-maker Butch Searcy, below, who won the 2003 Roosevelt Cup (sponsored by Krieghoff International)
as Western Rifle Champion.
GMC founders Silvio Calabi and Roger Sanger, flanking Butch Searcy. Searcy donated the .470 double rifle raffled off to benefit the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action.
